PerformanceCartography™ / LeanBudgets™

Applying "lean" principles to budgeting and performance measurement.

Lean References and Useful Links

Edward Tufte, data visualization

The book “Real Numbers” by Fiume and Cunningham, gets at many of the issues we’re applying.  – a very good reference.

Better Budgeting, A report on the Better Budgeting forum from CIMA and ICAEW

Better Budgeting and Beyond” by Andy Neely, Mike Bourne, and Chris Adams

Beyond Budgeting: The Way Forward?” by Michael Good and Ali Malik

Pioneering a Rolling Forecast” by Larry E. Hill

Graphic Presentation: An Empirical Examination of the Graphic Novel Approach to Communicate Business Concepts”  Jeremy C. Short, Brandon Randolph-Seng, and Aaron F. McKenny

Eliminating the Budget: Park Nicollet Health Services

Beyond Budgeting Institute

A Lean Budget?  Mark Graban’s Lean Blog, Lean in hospitals, business, and our world.

Delusions of Success: How Optimism Undermines Executives’ Decisions, by Dan Lovallo and Daniel Kahneman, Harvard Business Review

Lean Enterprise Institute – comprehensive background and resources.

15 Most Common Mistakes in Lean Implementations – whitepaper by Ulises Pabon

JUSE: Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers – TQM mecca, and administrators of The Deming Prize



PerformanceCartography™ ©2016 ,LeanBudgets™ ©2015