Edward Tufte, data visualization
The book “Real Numbers” by Fiume and Cunningham, gets at many of the issues we’re applying. – a very good reference.
“Better Budgeting, A report on the Better Budgeting forum from CIMA and ICAEW”
“Better Budgeting and Beyond” by Andy Neely, Mike Bourne, and Chris Adams
“Beyond Budgeting: The Way Forward?” by Michael Good and Ali Malik
“Pioneering a Rolling Forecast” by Larry E. Hill
“Graphic Presentation: An Empirical Examination of the Graphic Novel Approach to Communicate Business Concepts” Jeremy C. Short, Brandon Randolph-Seng, and Aaron F. McKenny
Eliminating the Budget: Park Nicollet Health Services
A Lean Budget? Mark Graban’s Lean Blog, Lean in hospitals, business, and our world.
Delusions of Success: How Optimism Undermines Executives’ Decisions, by Dan Lovallo and Daniel Kahneman, Harvard Business Review
Lean Enterprise Institute – comprehensive background and resources.
15 Most Common Mistakes in Lean Implementations – whitepaper by Ulises Pabon
JUSE: Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers – TQM mecca, and administrators of The Deming Prize